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Flood Insurance: You’ve Got Options

For years, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was the only game in town when it came to securing residential flood insurance. There are now options for California homeowners living in flood plains mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency – Private Flood Insurance options that can result in premium savings

Myth Busting: Flood Insurance For Homes

I’m sure you’ve heard hundreds of reasons you shouldn’t get flood insurance, because believe me I have heard it all throughout my career! Some of the most popular reasons I usually hear are that a homeowner doesn’t live in an area that can flood or that homeowner’s insurance should cover

Insuring Your Valuables – Scheduled vs. Non-Scheduled Coverage

  Once you reach the point in life where you start to accumulate "stuff" and furthermore, own items of significant value, you'll need to have insurance on that "stuff".  We all recognize the need (and responsibility) to carry auto insurance for our cars, and when we buy a home, we carry homeowners

Flood Insurance: The Basics

  If you live in California, watch television, listen to the radio or browse the internet, then you've most likely heard about El Niño and the possibility of flooding in the coming months.  Amid all the talk about flooding and subsequent need for flood insurance, there are still more questions.   Most people understand the basic idea

Disaster Preparedness – Better to be Safe than Sorry

  With all the recent talk of El Nino and forecasters expecting record amounts of rainfall this winter, many of us have flooding (circa 1997) on our minds. The summer of 2015 seemed to be one forest fire on top of another, and just one year ago, the Napa Valley was hit hard by a magnitude-6.0 earthquake, the

Distracted Driving: Stay Focused to Stay Safe

  According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 10 people a day, in the United States alone, are killed in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.  More than 1,100 people are injured in those same circumstances.  Every day. Distracted driving is defined as driving while doing anything that takes your focus

Driverless Cars – Are We Ready?

We've all had those days: rushing around, trying to get errands done. You finally picked up the dry cleaning, and now you've got to get to the post office before it closes. So you go, pedal to the metal, thinking about what you need to get at the grocery store

It’s Raining Lawsuits: Do You Need An Umbrella Policy?

  It's impossible to predict whether you might lose a lawsuit resulting from a car accident or an accident on your property. Nor is it possible to predict the amount that might be awarded to the winning party, an amount that you would be responsible for paying. To protect yourself against

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?

It’s Easy to Host a Fun AND Safe Super Bowl® Party Whether you’re cheering for your favorite team or tuning in for the commercials, you’ll score points with family and friends when you host a party around your television. Help make this Sunday enjoyable and safe for your guests by taking