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Defending the Profits of your Company

Do you have Vendors, or Allies? I view running a company to being a football coach attempting to keep ground (profits) already taken and adding to that ground whenever it is possible using your valued employees by putting them in a position to be successful. Your company has been very successful

Why Employers Should Consider Self-Funding

Reason #4:  Management Involvement Self-funding allows the employer to always be aware of plan utilization, claim activity and payment activity versus the passive approach on the fully-insured side. Employers are in a much better position to evaluate plan performance on a overall basis and adjust to any issues faster when self-funding. If you would

Why Employers Should Consider Self-Funding

Reason #3:  Customized Plan Design Self-insuring allows employers to specifically customize and build the plan design for their specific needs rather than a “Cookie Cutter” one-size fits all benefit plan design offered on the fully-insured side. This means the unique needs of  employers can be addressed without the task of searching for (cookie

And Now There Is Fire

Back in November of 2014 I published a blog about an issue Barrett Business Systems seemingly had titled "I See Smoke On Mount BBSI". Well it smoldered for a good while and now there is fire. BBSI has been informed by staff at the San Francisco office of the Division of Enforcement of

Insuring Your Valuables – Scheduled vs. Non-Scheduled Coverage

  Once you reach the point in life where you start to accumulate "stuff" and furthermore, own items of significant value, you'll need to have insurance on that "stuff".  We all recognize the need (and responsibility) to carry auto insurance for our cars, and when we buy a home, we carry homeowners

Winterizing Your Home – 10 Simple Steps

  Most of us are well on our way into the winter mindset:  Hunker down, nestle by the fire and stay warm.  Even so, it's never too late to winterize your home.  The U.S. Department of Energy shares these tips to help maximize the warmth and save some dough. Apply weather stripping or

El Nino? El What?

  El Niño has become a buzz-worthy term these last few weeks.  If you're a curious sort, or a weather buff, or you love Google as much as I do, then you've probably done your share of "official research" on the subject.  If not, here's El Niño in a nutshell: Picture a bowl of