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Heat Illness Awareness Warms Up

More than 30 people died last year of heat-illness related incidents in the workplace. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has launched a national campaign to educate workers and their employers about heat-related illness. The campaign centers on three components that can save an individuals life: water, rest and shade. California already

Personal Safety at Work, Home and On the Road

Don Phinn Esq., President of HR That Works! has developed his "Mothership of checklists" for safety practices at work, at home and on the road. In this brief checklist Don compiles various personal observations with recommendations from other sources including very useful links. Check it out by clicking here and

Work Comp Insurance and Payroll Combined for Best of Both!

It's only after you put your Work Comp insurance and payroll service together that you realize it was something you should have done a long time ago. It saves money, time and, did I mention it saves money? There is a very good reason Van Beurden Insurance Services and the Payality

Majestic Insurance Co. rises quickly, falls much faster.

Chronicled in a couple of my previous posts, is the tale of how not to attack your way into the California Workers Compensation marketplace. If you review my blogs dated May 3rd,  and November 3rd of 2010, you will get background on the saga of Majestic Insurance Company and its

Association-sponsored Work Comp Programs Are Not Always Your Best Option

During the past 15 years, I have worked with thousands of dentists. Most of them purchased their Workers' Compensation insurance through their association. Did they do this because the association product offered the lowest rates? Definitely not! Did they do so because they received better claims service, better payment options,

California Workers Comp “Coming and Going” Rule Exceptions

The “Coming and Going Rule” basically states that when an employee is traveling to work or traveling home from work and they are injured in a motor vehicle accident, they are not covered by workers compensation. The injuries suffered are not compensable because the employer derives no benefit from an

AB2774 – DOSH Writes Its Own New Standard

Cal OSHA is probably rejoicing right now with the announced passage of AB2774. This new bill lowers the burden of proof that was once the biggest hurdle for Cal OSHA to overcome when trying to confirm a "Serious Violation" with the appeals board. In the past, the employer has had a good opportunity

WCIRB Worksheet is MVP

  Most employers believe that analyzing their loss runs will allow them to understand how their workers compensation claims will affect their premium, and to a point they are correct. But the most important and valuable piece of paper concerning your companies claims and modification is really your WCIRB Modification Calculation Worksheet (I