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Commercial Life Insurance

Risk is part of the game – knowing how to protect yourself can make the difference between continued success or sudden business failure.

  • Business and Partnership Protection – What happens to the business if you, or one of your co-owners, dies or becomes disabled? What happens to your family’s financial well-being? What happens if you’re in the best shape of your life but you want to simply transition out of the business to do something else, pursue a lifelong passion, or simply retire? We can help obtain this freedom and peace of mind required by working with your other advisors, to discuss a business continuation strategy, and to implement that strategy with a properly funded buy-sell agreement.
  • Key Employee(s) – The insurance necessary to help protect you and your business from the loss of a very valuable employee (i.e., executive, manager, top salesperson, etc.) in the event of a casualty (e.g., death or disability). As a business owner, you and your active co-owners may also be key employees.

Plan to keep your business going. Protect yourself and your employees. You’ve put a lot of time and energy into your business, so if the day should come that you’re unable to operate it, wouldn’t you want it to continue to prosper and take care of your family?

Select a Sales Associate specializing in Life Insurance solutions.