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California Earthquake Insurance

With the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, many of my clients have called and asked if their Homeowner’s policy covers Earthquake coverage.  Many people may not realize that most Homeowners, as well as Renter’s and Condo policies, do not include earthquake coverage and it must be purchased separately, either

NFIP Lapse and Hiatus Guidelines

Due to the hiatus until the re-authorization of the NFIP has occurred, we will not be able: Issue new policies Increase coverage on existing policies Issue renewal policies If you have an escrow closing between 3/28 and 4/12 in a designated flood hazard area you will not be able to secure flood

Congress Convened Before Passing Bill to Reauthorize NFIP

According to a bulletin I just received from Travelers Insurance Company regarding the National Flood Insurance Program (which pertains to all companies that write policies with the National Flood Insurance Program): Congress has adjourned without passing a bill that would reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) beyond March 28, 2010.