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Top 5 Most Overlooked Types of Insurance

  When you buy a car, you get auto insurance.  When you purchase a house, you purchase a homeowners policy.  When you get married or have a baby, often times you purchase a life insurance policy to protect the ones you love.  Outside of these situations, it's typical for the average consumer to rarely give insurance a

Are Your Valuable Possessions Protected?

People who own valuable possessions such as jewelry, antiques, paintings and other fine arts need broader coverage than what a basic homeowner’s policy provides. Although most homeowners’ insurance policies will pay for items damaged by losses such as fire and theft, scheduling these items expands coverage to protect additional losses such

California Earthquake Insurance Update

When an Earthquake occurs, and is of a magnitude where property damage may occur, insurance companies may put a moratorium in effect for any new business in that area. The moratorium will stay in effect until aftershocks have passed. With the recent 7.2 earthquake in Baja California several companies have

California Earthquake Insurance

With the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, many of my clients have called and asked if their Homeowner’s policy covers Earthquake coverage.  Many people may not realize that most Homeowners, as well as Renter’s and Condo policies, do not include earthquake coverage and it must be purchased separately, either