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What is Senate Bill 189? How Does it Affect You?

If you’re an officer or Board member of a California corporation, you should be aware that the definition that determines who is eligible to waive Workers’ Compensation insurance has been changed. Originally, California Assembly Bill 2882 – which took effect June 2017 – applied to all Workers’ Compensation policies and narrowed

California’s Ag and Other Specific Industries Receive OSHA Reporting Advisory

If you’re a California employer with 20+ employees in an affected industry like agriculture, you need to know this. There’s no state rule yet, nevertheless, Cal/OSHA has advised employers to comply with a Federal OSHA directive to provide only Form 300A data covering calendar year 2017. Federal OSHA requires affected employers

Cyber Risk Grows as Hacking Becomes Common

If your company relies on digital technology (that’s just about everybody) you’re in danger of waking one morning to learn someone has meddled with your digital data. Cyber crime is foremost in the news because international hackers supported by countries unfriendly to the United States, have directed enormous efforts to disrupt

#MeToo Awareness Likely to Increase Sexual Harassment Complaints

I recently read, in the Insurance Journal, that seven in 10 human resource professionals believe sexual harassment complaints at their places of business will be higher (or much higher) this year over previous years. The #MeToo Movement – women across America and around the world speaking or writing about their universal

I-9 Enforcement and its Impact on Employers

Immigration has become one of the most highly debated topics among politicians and residents alike. No matter what your view is, we know that this is a difficult and sensitive topic to navigate. As a business owner it can be even more complex. We’re now seeing action being taken in our

OSHA? Plan Ahead and Be Prepared!

When some employers hear “OSHA,” they cringe at the thought that there might be a chance their business is not in full compliance with the complex and immense OSHA regulations. In turn, it can become a stressful and overwhelming task to ensure all regulations are being followed accordingly. However, there