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What Are You Doing To Keep Your Workers’ Comp Claims From Spiraling Out Of Control?

Injuries and accidents happen. That’s why Workers’ Compensation Insurance exists – to protect you and your business. But there are other factors that are putting your business at risk. In fact, most claims that spiral out of control are due to circumstances not related to the incident itself.

If an insurance claims adjuster is closing a claim and these factors still remain, your business and injured workers will continue to be at risk.

This is why at Van Beurden we engage employers in our unique Risk Assessment Process that helps us uncover what the employer has in place. We also discover potential risks and waste that they may be unaware of that are driving factors of claims.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • When is the last time you conducted a truly comprehensive assessment around primary and secondary prevention strategies?
  • How confident are you your company has explored all the latest most innovative plan designs to limit cost and maximize value?

Most of the poor claims experience that I’ve seen has been a result of:

  • Poor hiring practices
  • Toxic supervisor and employee relationships
  • Lack of oversight of medical treatment protocols

Each business has a unique set of circumstances. There is not a cookie-cutter list of potential risks for everyone and there is not a one-size-fits-all solution.