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State Fund Opens Up

The California State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) announced November 9 that the 80,000+ employers written direct through SCIF have a new option. They may choose to select an independent broker to represent them through a broker of record letter. Independent brokers “bring significant and lasting contributions through a wide variety

A “Culture of Caring”: How to Avoid Work Comp Litigation

It is my experience that companies that truly (or at least give the appearance of) caring for injured workers will significantly reduce their claims costs and avoid unnecessary litigation. The term "Culture of Caring" should be applied when companies are putting together their injury management plans. A large portion of

MPN’s, Medical Liens, and the WCAB

There has been a huge upturn in the number of litigated claims over the past 2 years in California Workers' Compensation. Now approximately 40-50% of claims are becoming litigated and virtually 100% of claims older than 2 years are in litigation. When I was told this, my initial question was: Why?

California Workers’ Compensation Claims Costs Rise

The Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB)  issued a statistical report on August 26, 2010 that shows the average cost of an indemnity claim reached $60,253 in 2009 -- of which $19,682 was spent on indemnity and $40,571 was spent on medical costs. In comparison, the 2005 average cost

Final Audit Preparation – Reason #1,093

The California Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau will not include estimated payrolls in an experience modification (ex mod) calculation. If a final audit is late the Bureau will process the worksheet without the payroll data for that policy period however they will include the claims.  Obviously this will wreak havoc on an ex mod

Targeted Inspection and Consultation Assessments 2010

On March 1st 2010 Cal-OSHA will mail assessments to employers with experience modifications of 125% or more as of 12/31/2009. Payment is due in 30 days or turned over to the State Franchise Tax Board for collection. The amount of the assessment is determined by the annual payroll generated in