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Workers’ Comp Rates on the Rise — Again?

The Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) has determined that six months after a 37% increase in the advisory Pure Premium Rate another 9.1% should be added. The Workers' Comp Executive broke this story. FLASH REPORT! 9.1% Increase In Pure Premium Rates Employers in California are going to be very unhappy with the

The Connection Between Steven Tyler and Your Work Comp Rates

Recently I listened to an interview of Steven Tyler (yes, the front person for Aerosmith and now an American Idol judge). The discussion involved his 2009 stage fall and subsequent damage to his shoulder which contributed to the cancellation of the band's tour. Tyler expressed rage following the incident at his

Heat Illness Awareness Warms Up

More than 30 people died last year of heat-illness related incidents in the workplace. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has launched a national campaign to educate workers and their employers about heat-related illness. The campaign centers on three components that can save an individuals life: water, rest and shade. California already

California Workers Comp “Coming and Going” Rule Exceptions

The “Coming and Going Rule” basically states that when an employee is traveling to work or traveling home from work and they are injured in a motor vehicle accident, they are not covered by workers compensation. The injuries suffered are not compensable because the employer derives no benefit from an

Final Audit Preparation – Reason #1,093

The California Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau will not include estimated payrolls in an experience modification (ex mod) calculation. If a final audit is late the Bureau will process the worksheet without the payroll data for that policy period however they will include the claims.  Obviously this will wreak havoc on an ex mod

Why are Work Comp Rates going Up?

California Work Comp rates are being raised by most insurance companies. Business owners are in a position of trying to deal with declining revenues and increasing costs. In many cases, payroll reductions have actually driven the total insurance premium cost down, but the actual rates on the payroll you have left is going up.