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January 12, 2011 AB2774 – DOSH Writes Its Own New Standard

Cal OSHA is probably rejoicing right now with the announced passage of AB2774. This new bill lowers the burden of proof that was once the biggest hurdle for Cal OSHA to overcome when trying to confirm a "Serious Violation" with the appeals board. In the past, the employer has had a good opportunity

January 11, 2011 Low Cost Flood Insurance Relief for Homeowners

Many properties in Yolo County, Natomas, Visalia and other areas throughout California have been subject to revised flood maps since October 2008.  The premiums for these policies can run up to $1,400 or more per year! GOOD NEWS! FEMA has extended the lower cost Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) eligibility for buildings

January 7, 2011 What to do in the event of a claim

Nobody wants to be involved in an incident or loss that can lead to a claim. An insurance claim can be a stressful experience. But know that Van Beurden Insurance will be with you every step of the way. Knowing what to do prior to having a claim can ease some

December 20, 2010 WCIRB Worksheet is MVP

  Most employers believe that analyzing their loss runs will allow them to understand how their workers compensation claims will affect their premium, and to a point they are correct. But the most important and valuable piece of paper concerning your companies claims and modification is really your WCIRB Modification Calculation Worksheet (I

November 9, 2010 State Fund Opens Up

The California State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) announced November 9 that the 80,000+ employers written direct through SCIF have a new option. They may choose to select an independent broker to represent them through a broker of record letter. Independent brokers “bring significant and lasting contributions through a wide variety

November 3, 2010 Let The Lawsuits Begin: Self Insured Groups

Recently (click to see May 3, 2010 Blog Entry), up to 5 self insured groups managed by CRM holdings have closed and or failed in California. One recent failure is the CAPSIG Self-insured group which CRM managed. With a claims shortfall of $20,000,000 and growing, the 200 members of the CAPSIG

October 25, 2010 A “Culture of Caring”: How to Avoid Work Comp Litigation

It is my experience that companies that truly (or at least give the appearance of) caring for injured workers will significantly reduce their claims costs and avoid unnecessary litigation. The term "Culture of Caring" should be applied when companies are putting together their injury management plans. A large portion of

October 12, 2010 Why are Work Comp Claims So Costly?

The average cost of an indemnity claim is now over $60,000! Why?  There are many factors as to why costs are increasing so much.  These are but a few: Increased medical costs More medical procedures being requested Early Return to Work is not as available, due to economic times Litigation One of the biggest factors

October 12, 2010 MPN’s, Medical Liens, and the WCAB

There has been a huge upturn in the number of litigated claims over the past 2 years in California Workers' Compensation. Now approximately 40-50% of claims are becoming litigated and virtually 100% of claims older than 2 years are in litigation. When I was told this, my initial question was: Why?