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Do You Know Enough About Work Comp Captives to Make a Decision?

Work Comp Group Captives are not new, but as an attractive cost-reducing option, their popularity is growing. With renewed interest in Group Captives, employers should be cautioned with an important question: do you know enough about Captives to make an informed decision? I am not “anti-Group Captive” but I agree with

What You Should Know About Captive Insurance

Long considered an alternative market, Captive insurance programs are steadily moving to the forefront of business insurance choices. In this blog, I’ll explain exactly what a captive is, how a captive works with business taxes, and the benefits of captives. I’m indebted to an article published online by the International

3 Trends That Impact the Price of Your Work Comp Insurance

This will be an uncertain one for Workers’ Compensation rates as some programs will see some prices flat and others dropping, according to a market prediction from USI. Plus, medical cost inflation will continue; it’s expected to rise 6 percent year over year, according to Insurance Journal. What that means is

How to Avoid Healthcare Cost Pitfalls

The relationship between employers and employees can be successful – and it’s usually dependent on the employer’s ability to make good decisions. If the employees are thriving, healthy and happy, the employer most likely has a strong and secure decision-making process that helps the employees – and the company – succeed. Of

Cal/OSHA Advisory: Submit Federal OSHA Injury Reports by July 1

Though Cal/OSHA has not yet adopted a state rule, it is advising employers to comply with Federal OSHA's directive to provide Form 300A data covering calendar year 2017. Federal OSHA requires affected employers to submit their data by July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019 and every year thereafter, covered establishments must

Create Employee Safety Advocates to Improve Results

Picture this: You’re driving on the highway and a local delivery driver swerves in front of you. One of your passengers happens to notice the ubiquitous “How Am I Doing?” sign on the back of the van and jots down the contact information. It’s safe to say you’ll probably be

What Does the CVS/Aetna Merger Mean for Your Health Care?

We’ve been hearing rumblings about this merger for quite some time and it has finally happened. CVS Health announced that it plans to acquire Aetna, one of the nation’s leading diversified health care benefits companies that serves about 44 million people. Assuming this is approved by shareholders and gets the green

Social Media & Workers’ Comp Fraud

It’s pretty black and white: if you’re an employer in California, you are required to provide workers’ compensation benefits to your employees. As an agent, I’ve seen more than my fair share of fraud stories. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, workers' compensation fraud costs California between $1 billion