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You Get a 1.8% Decrease — Which Totals a 37% Increase in Rate …

This is what has unfolded after the Department of Insurance repeatedly refused to believe or accept suggested rate changes over the past 4 years or longer. Basically no elected official would ever tell the public that the rates for workers compensation coverage in the state of California were going up substantially.

CAL-OSHA Emergency Action Plans

Free Webinar on the topic of EMERGENCY ACTION PLANS Where? – Your Desktop When? – Thursday November 10th, 2011 at 2 P.M. Are you Compliant with the regulation?  What does it take to be compliant with the regulation?  What is the penalty for non-compliance?  How do I build one for my firm? VanBeurden Insurance Services, Inc. believes

Medical Provider Networks Win In Court

Here is a link to a great article about the importance of MPN notification and keeping control of medical care of California work comp injuries.

Quit Playing the Quoting Game

High Experience Mod x Low Rate = High Premium It is very simple math. Your Experience Modification is a multiplier of your rate and your true cost. If your current experience modifier is 125 or more, that is higher than average and extremely higher than your minimum allowable experience mod. 

The Fragmentation of the Work Comp Market in California

The number of players in the California Work Comp Market right now is staggering. I do not believe that California consumers have ever had this wide range of choice in selecting an insuring company. The widening of this market has brought relative chaos to the old orderly system, which did

Majestic Insurance Co. rises quickly, falls much faster.

Chronicled in a couple of my previous posts, is the tale of how not to attack your way into the California Workers Compensation marketplace. If you review my blogs dated May 3rd,  and November 3rd of 2010, you will get background on the saga of Majestic Insurance Company and its

California Workers Comp “Coming and Going” Rule Exceptions

The “Coming and Going Rule” basically states that when an employee is traveling to work or traveling home from work and they are injured in a motor vehicle accident, they are not covered by workers compensation. The injuries suffered are not compensable because the employer derives no benefit from an