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OSHA Presents: The Top 10 Violations of 2018

OSHA revealed the agency’s Top 10 violations for 2018 at the National Safety Council Congress & Expo in Houston, Texas. Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OSHA’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs, presented the agency’s list. While the list is largely familiar, there are a few surprises. The data covers violations from October

The Simple Truth About Modifications in California

In dealing with the changes in the new modification calculation (4th one in 4 years) by the WCIRB, I have been attempting to explain what happened to a majority of my clients. Below is an actual email that I sent to a client in order to attempt to explain what

How important is it to hire the right employees?

The difference between hiring the right employees and hiring the wrong employees is usually the difference between a successful business and a failed business. At Van Beurden Insurance, we have developed a process to help you avoid the consequences of a bad hire – which happens more often than most of

IRS: Vast Majority of Independent Contractors are Mislabeled

Forbes reports that the IRS is taking a much closer look at workers labeled as “independent contractors,” and that could mean potential trouble for employers. When employers pay independent contractors, there’s no income tax withholding, no employment taxes – it’s the responsibility of the worker to pay taxes. Even assuming that

California employers have many CAL/OSHA responsibilities

California employers have many different responsibilities under the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973 and Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. The following represents a list of the most important ones. Establish, implement and maintain an Injury and Illness Prevention Program and update it periodically to

The Connection Between Steven Tyler and Your Work Comp Rates

Recently I listened to an interview of Steven Tyler (yes, the front person for Aerosmith and now an American Idol judge). The discussion involved his 2009 stage fall and subsequent damage to his shoulder which contributed to the cancellation of the band's tour. Tyler expressed rage following the incident at his

Crackdown on California Underground Economy

On December 29th 2011 the Department of Insurance in California released the following bulletin. Employers who have operated honestly and with integrity toward their employees have struggled to compete against individuals operating business on a cash basis. A few of these legitimate business owners have succumbed to the illegal operations.

Free Webinar: 2012 National Labor Relations Board Posting Requirements

On January 12th, 2012 from 10:30 to 11:30 AM PST the Work Law Network will be providing a no-cost webinar regarding the 2012 National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) posting requirements. The Work Law Network is an international network of more than 350 management-side labor and employment attorneys dedicated to providing quality

Heat Illness Awareness Warms Up

More than 30 people died last year of heat-illness related incidents in the workplace. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has launched a national campaign to educate workers and their employers about heat-related illness. The campaign centers on three components that can save an individuals life: water, rest and shade. California already