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Van Beurden Risk Specialists Obtain Safety Equipment Grant for Clients

If your insurance agent is not your first choice to turn to for assistance in applying for safety equipment grants, you might want to reconsider — and get another insurance agent.

I’ve been very successful at it. Here’s my story:

When the State Compensation Insurance Fund announced they would be allocating funds to their shareholders to assist with purchasing safety equipment, I promptly reviewed my insured accounts for those with State Fund policies and found more than a dozen qualified to apply for funds.

Link to State Fund Announcement

Though the program was not live at the time of the announcement, I wanted my clients to enjoy the best chance of receiving the first-come, first-served basis, so I informed my clients of the State Fund program and the coming application.

I am pleased to note that, though applications for grants were overwhelming, at this writing, two of my clients have received receive grants totaling over $14,400!

Paul Webb, owner of RPW Services, Inc., told me about his grant application success: “FINALLY, SOME GOOD NEWS! That’s exactly how our small business felt during the early stages of the pandemic when our agent reached out to us and encouraged us to utilize the assistance program. It was an easy application process and a quick email submission. Thank you State Fund and Van Beurden!”

Even better news: other risk management specialists at Van Beurden Insurance are reporting similar results! That’s a good reason to turn to us for assistance. Our informed advice and resources are making a difference.

New grants and allowances for California businesses may be announced any day. Let’s talk and we’ll develop a plan to keep you in business. Interested in taking the next step? Call or email me today!




Recia Shelton