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Avoiding the Work Comp Nightmare: When it isn’t Your Fault

Workers’ Compensation claims can be a nightmare for any employer. What happens when an employee is about to file a claim against you – and you aren’t to blame? That’s exactly what happened with one of my clients recently. Here’s how I helped: Let’s call my client “Jane.” Jane’s part-time employee

Are You Allowing The Work Comp Market To Select Who Represents You?

Each year around this time, nearly half of California businesses begin the renewal process on their workers compensation coverage. Usually, they send information out to almost any agent that contacts them, and hope to get competitive quotes from the various insurance companies these agents represent. The incumbent agent usually goes to market first and basically corners

California employers have many CAL/OSHA responsibilities

California employers have many different responsibilities under the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973 and Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. The following represents a list of the most important ones. Establish, implement and maintain an Injury and Illness Prevention Program and update it periodically to

What is a QME?

What is a QME? Qualified medical evaluator (QME) is an independent physician certified by the DWC Medical Unit to perform medical evaluations. To become a QME, the doctor must pass a state written examination to demonstrate competency in the basic rules and regulations of California’s Workers’ Compensation system. Upon completion

Benefits Triangulation Webinar Invitation

FREE WEBINAR HERE!! Are you sure your Workers' Compensation policy is in line with your Group Health Policy? Do you know why they should be talking to one another? Are you aware of how FMLA and COBRA are connected to both of these coverages? Owners/Partners/Officers excluded under your work comp coverage? If you are unsure

Workers’ Comp Rates on the Rise — Again?

The Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) has determined that six months after a 37% increase in the advisory Pure Premium Rate another 9.1% should be added. The Workers' Comp Executive broke this story. FLASH REPORT! 9.1% Increase In Pure Premium Rates Employers in California are going to be very unhappy with the

The Connection Between Steven Tyler and Your Work Comp Rates

Recently I listened to an interview of Steven Tyler (yes, the front person for Aerosmith and now an American Idol judge). The discussion involved his 2009 stage fall and subsequent damage to his shoulder which contributed to the cancellation of the band's tour. Tyler expressed rage following the incident at his

Officer Exclusions in Workers’ Compensation

I've noticed that most prospective workers' comp clients who contact me have the officers of the corporation or the business owner excluded under their workers' compensation coverage. I would like to make two cases against this practice. #1 If an officer is excluded from work comp, it means exactly that, they are

Crackdown on California Underground Economy

On December 29th 2011 the Department of Insurance in California released the following bulletin. Employers who have operated honestly and with integrity toward their employees have struggled to compete against individuals operating business on a cash basis. A few of these legitimate business owners have succumbed to the illegal operations.