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What is Senate Bill 189? How Does it Affect You?

If you’re an officer or Board member of a California corporation, you should be aware that the definition that determines who is eligible to waive Workers’ Compensation insurance has been changed. Originally, California Assembly Bill 2882 – which took effect June 2017 – applied to all Workers’ Compensation policies and narrowed

California’s Ag and Other Specific Industries Receive OSHA Reporting Advisory

If you’re a California employer with 20+ employees in an affected industry like agriculture, you need to know this. There’s no state rule yet, nevertheless, Cal/OSHA has advised employers to comply with a Federal OSHA directive to provide only Form 300A data covering calendar year 2017. Federal OSHA requires affected employers

Cal/OSHA Advisory: Submit Federal OSHA Injury Reports by July 1

Though Cal/OSHA has not yet adopted a state rule, it is advising employers to comply with Federal OSHA's directive to provide Form 300A data covering calendar year 2017. Federal OSHA requires affected employers to submit their data by July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019 and every year thereafter, covered establishments must

Preventing Harassment in the Hospitality Workplace

In our neck of the woods, hospitality is a driving force in our economy. Whether you’re a hotel or a restaurant, the hospitality industry has a diverse group of employees who work with customers directly every day. Taking a look at any headlines from the past several months and there have

OSHA Releases “Top 10” Violations List

Spend any amount of time on the Internet and you’re bound to come across a "Top 10" list of some sort. Sometimes they make you laugh and sometimes they make you reminisce on the good times, but I’ve got one that should get you thinking. OSHA released their "Top 10 Most

The Simple Truth About Modifications in California

In dealing with the changes in the new modification calculation (4th one in 4 years) by the WCIRB, I have been attempting to explain what happened to a majority of my clients. Below is an actual email that I sent to a client in order to attempt to explain what

Who’s Covered by Workers’ Compensation? The Answer Just Changed.

  Existing law states that the Workers Compensation system will compensate an employee for injuries sustained in the course of his or her employment. Existing law also allows for some individuals to choose to exclude themselves from Workers Compensation if he or she owns part of the company. In the case