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Cooking Up Something in the Kitchen?


This time of year finds many people home on the range, cooking up hearty, comfort food to stave off the chill outside.  But, with more cooks in the kitchen, the risk of home fires also increases.  According to the National Fire Protection Association, 40% of home fires begin where meals are made.

So, if winter’s cold finds you stirring and sautéing up a storm, keep these tips in mind to stay safe and well fed:

Keep your eye on the pie:

Most Kitchen fires start where no one is watching.  Whether you’re baking, broiling or simmering, never leave cooking food unattended.

Time it right:

If you do need to leave the kitchen while food is cooking, use a timer to prevent it from burning.

Don’t hang loose:

When cooking, be careful not to wear loose clothing that hangs, such as bathrobes with long sleeves, which could catch fire.

It can’t burn if it’s not there:

Kitchen items that are flammable, such as dish towels, pot holders and paper towels, should be kept away from the stove.

Stay clean to stay safe:

Keep cooking surfaces free of debris to prevent grease build up, which can feed a fire.

Be alarmed:

Install a smoke alarm in your kitchen. Test it each month to ensure it still works and replace batteries at least once a year.

Put a lid on it:

Fire needs heat, fuel and oxygen to be sustained. If a pan catches on fire, put on the cover to put out the fire.

Have an extinguisher close at hand:

Consider getting a multi-purpose fire extinguisher, which can be used for any type of small fire. But if the fire is anything but small, get out of the house and call the fire department.

Check before heading to bed:

Before leaving the house or going to bed, check the kitchen and make sure all cooking appliances have been turned off.

Follow these best practices and you’ll be sure to keep the home fires burning only where they should.


Have a Very Happy and Safe Holiday Season!

Brigette Clyborne