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California Dept of Insurance Launches Coverage Comparison Tool


The California Department of Insurance launched a Homeowner Coverage Comparison Tool to help assist Californians in making better informed decisions when shopping for Homeowners, Condo Owners, or Renters insurance policies.   The tool is designed to allow consumers to compare coverage limits and features by policy type among a long list of insurers.  The tool allows a side by side comparison of coverage, by category, of up to three insurers’ policies at a time.

While the CDI launched this new tool as part of Wildfire Awareness Week, to remind all Californians “to do their part to prepare for and prevent wildfires, which includes making sure they have enough insurance coverage to rebuild in the event of a wildfire or other disaster.”, the tool is useful for all Californians at any time.  In their press release, one of the most important messages being conveyed by the California Department of Insurance is that price, while often the first factor considered when shopping for insurance, is not the best indicator of quality.  Consumers will be able to see for themselves which policies offer broader coverage and then, after careful consideration, decide which policy best suits their needs.

Amy Bach, Director of United Policyholders said this: “Discovering you do not have the right coverage to protect your family and assets after a loss has disastrous consequences.  The marketplace is changing rapidly and this tool will help consumers avoid making potentially costly coverage mistakes.”

Click Here to view CDI’s infographic and online tools to learn more, and compare for yourself.

As always, before purchasing an insurance policy, do your research and then contact me. I’m here to offer even more insight and valuable experience.



Brigette Clyborne