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Work Comp Rates Are Rising Again. What to do?

What Van Beurden Insurance predicted has come to pass: Workers’ Compensation Insurance rates are going up, up, up.

It was inevitable. The cycle between rates up and rates down used to be abrupt and surprising, but now, after Work Comp was stabilized in California several years ago; the rise in rates will be a little more gradual. According to a report on, rates are going up and you may pay more next year.

Let’s talk about what you can do right away to offset the potential increases? Would you consider investing 15 minutes to explore an alternative approachto managing Workers Compensation and lowering your overall insurance cost?

If you want to prepare for the increase and not be penalized, the key to fighting an increase in rates is maximizing your discounts. Be proactive and not reactive before your next claim occurs.

These days, California businesses need every bit of assistance they can find to successfully navigate the Work Comp world. I’ll advise you to make sure you’re protected and prepared to deal with any Workers’ Comp situation. I understand your time is valuable, but I wouldn’t ask you for a meeting if I didn’t think I had value to bring. Call our office today to learn more.

Van Beurden Author