Are You Allowing The Work Comp Market To Select Who Represents You?
Each year around this time, nearly half of California businesses begin the renewal process on their workers compensation coverage. Usually, they send information out to almost any agent that contacts them, and hope to get competitive quotes from the various insurance companies these agents represent. The incumbent agent usually goes to market first and basically corners the market on every available workers comp carrier in the state, blocking other brokers from presenting the business to favorable markets. This may work out okay for clients that do not have any issues with claims, and have a mod below the average, or less than the 1.00 that all companies start at.
But what if your modification is over 1.00, or what if you have no say in how your claims are handled? Are you receiving the kind of service that you deserve from your current carrier or broker? Is your broker acting as your advocate when it comes to claims issues, or do they simply provide you the current pricing and deliver your renewal policy?
When companies that have work comp claims issues and modifications that will, or are being impacted by run-away claims, choose to renew as described in the first paragraph, then they are allowing the market to pick the broker that is supposed to be their advocate. There is a better way!
Interview and select your broker first. All brokers are not created equal. Few have the tools and skills necessary to manage your modification and your long term costs. Fewer have the tools and know-how to help you with serious claims issues and provide you with Cal-OSHA reviewed and approved compliance packages. And fewer still have this under one roof without having to outsource (at cost) these services to their work comp clients.
Van Beurden is one of the rare exceptions that have all of these services available to their clients and have access to nearly every carrier doing business in the state. All you have to do is grant us an interview and I believe that you will see the difference in the way we do business and how we become an advocate for our clients. Work Comp is complex, allow someone that knows the system and has the tools represent you to the best insurance carriers.
To schedule an interview, please contact me at or call me at (559)634-7136. Also, feel free to read my blog at
Thank you,
Guy Teafatiller PWCA, CWCA