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You and your clients may have noticed increasing umbrella rates – here’s why

Fast-rising costs have affected auto rates – and umbrella rates are facing similar trends. While many carriers respond by restricting coverage, I’ve found Safeco continues to offer a true umbrella product with useful coverages like Internet libel, personal defense and worldwide liability. COVID-19 may be driving a short-term decrease in miles driven,

Property & Casualty Losses Hit $25.3 Billion in 2017

I recently wrote an auto insurance policy for a new client, and due in large part to the insured’s claims spiraling out of control, premiums increased from $77,000 annually to its current annual premium of $225,000!While we were not the broker on the previous policy, we are now the ones

Cyber Risk Grows as Hacking Becomes Common

If your company relies on digital technology (that’s just about everybody) you’re in danger of waking one morning to learn someone has meddled with your digital data. Cyber crime is foremost in the news because international hackers supported by countries unfriendly to the United States, have directed enormous efforts to disrupt

I-9 Enforcement and its Impact on Employers

Immigration has become one of the most highly debated topics among politicians and residents alike. No matter what your view is, we know that this is a difficult and sensitive topic to navigate. As a business owner it can be even more complex. We’re now seeing action being taken in our

Is How You Buy Insurance Harming Your Business?

The time to begin evaluating new insurance policies for your business will be here before you know it. Before you start thinking about insurance for 2018, I want to tell you something: The way you are buying insurance might be hurting your businesses. A Look At The Average Employer’s Insurance Buying

Senate Postpones Health Vote; Is ACA Here to Stay?

The healthcare vote in the Senate has been delayed because they do not have enough votes to get it through the Budget Reconciliation process, which requires 51 votes to pass. In addition, if something isn’t passed by August 1 of this year, I think they will move on to tax reform and

New Senate Health Bill Includes Waiver Wild Card

Here in California, it’s safe to say we as a State would not be asking the federal government for a waiver. The State of California has been a big proponent of the ACA and the Covered California Exchange. If more control is left up to the States it’s the “ Status

The Simple Truth About Modifications in California

In dealing with the changes in the new modification calculation (4th one in 4 years) by the WCIRB, I have been attempting to explain what happened to a majority of my clients. Below is an actual email that I sent to a client in order to attempt to explain what