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Insurance Tips for Spring

The sun is out, the air is cool, flowers are blooming – that means it’s time for a little spring cleaning. After the winter we just had, it’s a good idea to do some preventive cleaning and maintenance to help maintain your home and property the rest of the year. Spring cleaning includes cleaning out rain gutters, checking for dead trees and branches (and removing them safely), and cleaning and inspecting home mechanical systems, such as heating and air conditioning equipment. This kind of maintenance can make spring a season of safety.

Cleaning and maintenance of your home should be done inside and out. Although the tasks are different, ensuring everything about your home is in good working order can help keep your family safe and your maintenance expenses lower.

Inside your home

Here are a few things inside your home that should be inspected to make sure they are in good condition:

  • Electrical outlets and cords: Check electrical outlets and cords throughout your home for any potential fire hazards such as frayed wires or loose-fitting plugs. Outlets, fuse boxes and extension cords also should be checked to make sure they are not overloaded.
  • Fire extinguishers: Check your fire extinguisher at least once yearly, including the hose, nozzle and other parts, to make sure they are in good condition and that the pressure gauge is in the “green” range. If necessary, move your fire extinguisher to an accessible place, or better yet, get more than one.
  • Air conditioning: Before turning it on for the season, have your air-conditioning system inspected and tuned up by a professional.
  • Water heater: Check for leaks and corrosion.
  • Filters: Clean or replace your air conditioning filter.
  • Dryers: Dryer lint builds up inside the vent pipe and collects around the duct. Clean both the clothes dryer exhaust duct and the space under the dryer. There’s even a specialized brush to clean out the vent pipe. Lint can also build up inside the dryer enclosure and should be cleaned and serviced by a professional.
  • Smoke detectors: Daylight savings time is the perfect time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. Inspect each smoke detector to ensure all are in working order, and make sure to test them monthly. Ideally, there should be at least one smoke detector on each floor of your home, including the hallway or area outside of each set of bedrooms, and one within each bedroom itself. If necessary, install additional smoke detectors as needed.
  • Light bulbs: Check each light bulb in every fixture for the correct recommended wattage and replace any burned out bulbs. Also, consider replacing all high-intensity bulbs with fluorescent or LED bulbs to reduce energy and the amount of heat produced.

Outside your home

Winter has probably done a number on the outside of your hose as well. Here are a few things outside your home that should be inspected to ensure they are in good condition:

  • Roof: Check for any damage from snow or ice, including damage from ice dams, and make any necessary repairs to reduce the possibility of leaks.
  • Gutters: Clean leaves and other debris from gutters and downspouts to keep water flowing and reduce the possibility of water damage.
  • Trees: Visually inspect trees for damage or rot, and remove (either yourself or with a licensed contractor) any dead trees that might blow over in heavy winds or during a storm. Keep healthy trees and bushes trimmed and away from utility wires.
  • Lawn equipment: Make sure lawn mowers, tractors and other equipment are tuned up before using. Store oil and gas for lawn equipment and tools in a vented, locked area.
  • Walkways and driveways: Repair any cracks and broken or uneven surfaces to provide a safe, level walking area.

A little home maintenance in the spring can go a long way to keeping your home safe and secure throughout the rest of the year.

Spring is here. Contact me.

If you have any questions, or would like to explore insurance solutions, please call (530) 661-0666 or email me at


Content provided by Travelers

Andrea Romo

Sales Associate | Woodland