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The Real Risk Ahead: Fires and Floods

Wildfires in the Western United States have increased in frequency and intensity. This year in California, the wildfire season began long before the actual fire season, and the fires have broken records.

The horror, devastating damage and loss of the fires and smoke affects nearly every Californian, there’s an additional threat that comes after the embers have been doused:

The risk of flooding after a fire increases exponentially.

According to the National Weather Service, “A half an inch of rainfall in less than an hour is sufficient to cause Flash Flooding in a burn area.” The force of such dangerous, swift-moving water can devastate outlying areas not impacted directly by a fire as well as areas not traditionally prone to flooding.

The time is now for property owners to purchase flood coverage. As temperatures begin to drop, rains begin. Remember, standard NFIP guidelines require a 30-day waiting period from the date of purchase to the time a flood policy goes into effect.

I urge you to take action now, before the first rainfall:

  • After an intense wildfire, burned vegetation and charred soil form a water-repellent layer blocking water absorption for years.
  • During rainfall, water bounces off the soil and even a light rain can potentially turn into a flood or mudflow.
  • Properties located below or downstream from burn areas are at an increased risk of flooding.
  • Just one inch of floodwater in your home can cause $25,000 of damage.
  • Most homeowners and renters insurance policies do not cover flood damage.

Our homes and businesses deserve coverage for fires AND floods. If you have questions, or would like to discuss your insurance options, as well as your personal insurance needs, feel free to email me at



Andrea Romo

Sales Associate | Woodland