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Heat Illness Awareness Warms Up

water. rest. shade. The work can't get done without them.

More than 30 people died last year of heat-illness related incidents in the workplace. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has launched a national campaign to educate workers and their employers about heat-related illness.

The campaign centers on three components that can save an individuals life: water, rest and shade. California already requires a written heat-illness program from employers with exposure. California requirements and guidelines may be found at . The Federal outreach with training materials and resources may be found at .

So often we think of heat exposures related to agriculture or construction activities. Two years ago a party supply rental company had an employee experience heat exhaustion as he set up tables and chairs for a wine tasting in a 100+ degree environment. Any company with employee exposure to outdoor warm weather such as auto dealers, auto repair, tow companies, trash collection, landscaping, facilities maintenance, caterers, etc. should have a heat- illness program.

A viable heat-illness program will contribute to keeping healthy workers. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this topic or any of your workers compensation questions.

Mark O'Bryan

Vice President | Los Osos