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March 20, 2011 Flood Insurance … Are You Covered?

Flooding is not covered under your standard Homeowners Insurance policy. With the recent storms in Northern California, many may be concerned with the risk of flooding.  Here are a few quick facts that you should know: Flood insurance has a 30 day waiting period before it is effective (some exceptions apply) The maximum

March 18, 2011 Who is covered on a homeowners policy…and who is not

Many people assume their homeowner’s insurance policy will provide protection of personal property and personal liability for anyone residing in the household. This is NOT true and could result in unpaid losses and costly defense costs for both parties if a claim occurs. So who is covered under a homeowner’s policy?

March 7, 2011 Association-sponsored Work Comp Programs Are Not Always Your Best Option

During the past 15 years, I have worked with thousands of dentists. Most of them purchased their Workers' Compensation insurance through their association. Did they do this because the association product offered the lowest rates? Definitely not! Did they do so because they received better claims service, better payment options,

March 2, 2011 California Workers Comp “Coming and Going” Rule Exceptions

The “Coming and Going Rule” basically states that when an employee is traveling to work or traveling home from work and they are injured in a motor vehicle accident, they are not covered by workers compensation. The injuries suffered are not compensable because the employer derives no benefit from an

February 1, 2011 Is your new car automatically covered for insurance?

Many people assume that when they purchase a vehicle, it is automatically covered by their Auto Insurance Policy.  Most automobile policies require that the policyholder notify the insurance company or agent within a specified number of days, if indeed coverage is desired for the newly purchased vehicle. Another factor to consider

January 24, 2011 “What can I do to reduce my auto insurance costs?”

With the state of today’s economy who is not trying to reduce costs and save money?  Just last night I spoke to a client that lost her job and no longer has to commute 14 miles one way to work.  By adjusting her annual mileage and daily use, we were

January 24, 2011 How Important is Renter’s Insurance?

Even if you don't own a home, you still have a lot at stake. After all, your personal belongings, like clothes, furniture and electronics, have significant value. And even though your landlord probably has insurance covering the building that you live in, that insurance does not include any coverage for